You Can Still Be Happy and Get Wet In An Exploding Building


You Can Still Be Happy and Get Wet In An Exploding Building

- file://sJPttl4OVCeTnCYH

You Can Still Be Happy and Get Wet In An Exploding Building

24 Sep until 27 Sep 2021

Motormond proposes a film exhibition against all weather conditions. This is an open challenge to meteorological conditions – we rise above rain and wind; we do not care about getting wet. Exploring the intertwinement of weather and emotion, we wish to talk about the material side of feelings.

We do not feel or behave in isolation. When talking about how we are feeling right now, not only are we dependent on others and their feelings, but we also necessarily have to react to our environment. Where we are is an important part of who we are or who we have become. Living in a rainy city such as Amsterdam means something. The obvious connection between weather and our frame of mind is manifested in our activities and decisions – in our actions as agents. In this sense, we are embedded in a material reality with physical aspects that shapes our choices and, sometimes, emotions. We are not totally free to feel what we would like to, but we are free enough to self-consciously challenge our physical conditions, one of them being the weather conditions. Through the screening of a series of films that talk about how it feels to be a human, we wish to explore the material relation between our unavoidable physical environment and emotions.

Thanks to a very particular setting, an industrial terrace of a semi-abandoned building, we are taking the risk of getting wet and not being able to do anything about it. Despite this meteorological risk of screening films in the open air, we want to explore how this actually makes us feel. By highlighting the material side of feeling through the connection with the weather inclemency, we discover that feelings are actually touched by materiality but that materiality can be, in fact, also touched by feeling.